
Step 1: Download input files

POSEIDON requires various input files (opacity data, stellar models, etc.) that are stored separately from the GitHub repository (due to file size limitations). Before installing POSEIDON, you will need to download these input files, which have been packaged for convenience as a single .zip file (37 GB):

You can also find all the required input files on Zenodo.

Step 2: Install mpi4py and PyMultiNest

While waiting for the input files to download, the next step is the install the dependencies for POSEIDON: PyMultiNest and mpi4py.


For Windows users, we recommend installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) before proceeding. WSL provides a Linux environment you can use in Windows.

We recommend using WSL because PyMultiNest does not natively support Windows. However, it will work fine if you use WSL to install and run POSEIDON.


We recommend installing POSEIDON in a fresh Anaconda environment. You can create a new Python 3.9 environment via:

conda create --name 𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯_π—˜π—‘π—©_π—‘π—”π— π—˜_π—›π—˜π—₯π—˜ python=3.9

Once the basic Python packages are installed in this fresh environment, you can activate the environment where POSEIDON will dwell:

conda activate 𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯_π—˜π—‘π—©_π—‘π—”π— π—˜_π—›π—˜π—₯π—˜

Note that POSEIDON currently supports Python up to 3.10.

MultiNest is the main sampling algorithm used for parameter space exploration in POSEIDON retrievals. MultiNest has a convenient Python wrapper, PyMultiNest.

You first need to install mpi4py, which is used by PyMultiNest for parallel computations on multiple cores. With your conda environment activated, call:

conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py

Then you can install both MultiNest and PyMultiNest in a single line via conda-forge (you might see way more complicated instructions elsewhere, this is the simplest way!).

conda install -c conda-forge pymultinest

Step 3: Install POSEIDON from GitHub

Now you are ready to download and install POSEIDON. You can download POSEIDON from GitHub or clone the repository:

git clone

Then navigate into the top-level POSEIDON directory and install the package via:

pip install -e .

Step 4: Set input file environment variables

By this point, the input files should have hopefully finished downloading.

Place in your top-level POSEIDON folder (the one containing, README, etc.) and unzip it:


You should now have an inputs folder with three subdirectories: inputs/opacity, inputs/stellar_grids, and inputs/chemistry_grids

Now all that is left to do it to create environment variables telling POSEIDON where to find the input files.

Linux environment variables

If you are using Linux, enter the following lines into a terminal:

echo 'export POSEIDON_input_data="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/"' >>~/.bashrc
echo 'export PYSYN_CDBS="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/stellar_grids/"' >>~/.bashrc

You should replace the bold text above with the location of your POSEIDON directory.

Alternatively, you can just open your .bashrc file (a hidden file in your Home directory) with a text editor and add the following two lines at the bottom:

export POSEIDON_input_data="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/"
export PYSYN_CDBS="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/stellar_grids/"

Mac OS environment variables

Setting environment variables on macOS differs depending on your OS version (thanks to Apple’s infinite wisdom).

If you are using macOS >= 10.15 your default terminal will be zsh, for which you can set the environment variables like so:

echo export POSEIDON_input_data="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/" >>~/.zshrc
echo export PYSYN_CDBS="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/stellar_grids/" >>~/.zshrc

Alternatively, for earlier macOS versions, the default terminal is bash:

echo 'export POSEIDON_input_data="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/"' >>~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PYSYN_CDBS="/𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗛/𝗧𝗒/𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯/π—£π—’π—¦π—˜π—œπ——π—’π—‘/π——π—œπ—₯π—˜π—–π—§π—’π—₯𝗬/inputs/stellar_grids/"' >>~/.bash_profile

Now POSEIDON will know where to find the input files.

And that, splendidly, is all there is to it. Onwards to the tutorials!

The best place to begin is the quick start guide β€œGenerating Transmission Spectra”